Dear Destiny Friends,

One of the greatest assets available to mankind is time. It’s quite unfortunate many people don’t know how resourceful and important time can play in the life of a progressive being. The proper utilization and resourceful use of time can play a game changer role in one’s life. Whether you are a student, professor, politician, entrepreneur, career professional, pastor or parent; time will play a crucial role in your life.

Just to make you understand how powerful timing is important; did you know that every day we wake up, our clock is ticking, and we are getting closer to our grave. In the same way, every single day you add value to your business, academics, career, or whatever you are involved in, you are getting closer to your success. That is why it is important for one not to give up when pursuing a goal or vision.

Just so you know, you can lose your money, health, opportunities, relationship and job and still get them back, but when you lose time, you can hardly get it back. So, to understand how your clock is ticking, one must be intentional in taking care of his health, relationship, investment and time because a single step might result to a major loss. It’s just like a man who is careless sleeping with ladies, you never can tell which lady will give you sexually transmitted disease or even have a spiritual curse or demon following her, and a minute of fun will usher in failure and setback in life and business.

It’s painful to see someone, who has invested so much time in a project and is literally on the verge of breaking through only to give up at the last lap. There was a story about a man who was striking a rock in search of gold, he was on the verge of hitting a goldmine, when he gave up trying. He didn’t know he was barely one strike to find gold. I guess, if only he knew he needed one more strike, he wouldn’t have left. That is virtually how some of us lose opportunities. Sometimes, ungrateful people with vested interest lose opportunities simply because of what they are looking for in their mentor, friend, benefactor or boss. These ungrateful minds fail to understand that there is a timing for everything. Your mentor, friend, benefactor might be testing your patience, mindset, personality, integrity among others.

Again, imagine a sprinter running a race, every second counts. At the slightest mistake, an athlete can lose his race. The world experienced the closest 100  meters race in history when  Usain Bolt of Jamaica  beat USA Justin Gatlin by less than a second. Usain Bolt ran 9.79 seconds while Justin Gatlin ran 9.80 in Beijing in 2009. Imagine what a second slip would have caused Usain Bolt if he had relaxed. He would have literally lost the race. That’s simply how the race of life works. A single mistake can cause you a lifetime opportunity. A single message, word, attitude, opportunity etc can set you back.

In the same manner a single opportunity, success, favor, attitude can set you up for life. It’s imperatively important for one not to take anyone and anything for granted. Live your life daily as everything depends on the opportunity you are experiencing because nobody literally knows the opportunity that will be a lifetime changer.

However, I strongly believe regardless of the missed mistakes, what will be, will be regardless of the mistakes one may have made especially when the creator is working on your case. He can remote your life in such a way your detractors will be confused in their confusion. The moral here is don’t take anybody, any opportunity, any access, privilege etc. for granted. The moment you do that, you are bound to pay for it. According to a revered mentor of mine, Dr. Dele Momodu, you are as good as your last performance. He also advised, no one should take access for granted. The moment you do that you are setting yourself for failure.

In the journey of life, we have created and lost opportunities. I can vividly remember when I met the first African (Mpule Kwelagobe )  to win Miss Universe in 1999, in Washington at a High Profile event where African presidents had a meeting with President Obama. She was inspired by confidence and inspiration to better the African continent with my ideas and articles. We had a rosy conversation and meetings. I can vividly remember when she told me she sits on the Board of Warren Buffet during one of our engagements. During that period, I wasn’t really exposed to managing access and relationships with the high and mighty and that robbed me what would have been a lifetime opportunity. Imagine if I had managed the friendship, I believe it would have blossomed.

Just to get a clearer perspective on how the timing of the clock works, if your time for opportunity has not come, there’s nothing you can do to fast track it. This is simply because one cannot fast track their blessings except it is “spiritually” orchestrated. It’s just like when you look at a mango, orange, or any fruit with seed, you will observe that while some are ripe, some are unripe. That simply tells you everybody’ timing and destiny is different.

Opportunity comes in at different times. Sometimes you need to learn, sometimes, you need to volunteer, sometimes, you need to serve, sometimes, you need to develop your craft. On a personal note, I have experienced delayed opportunities despite all effort to get attention. A case study when I got my first City job in New York. I was hoping my high-profile network would assist me, but it dawned on me, life doesn’t always go as planned. I came to the sublime realization and submission that if you are doing your bit to add value to life, you will blossom when the timing is right for you.

Men of influence are very important, but the message here is that one has to be careful and intentional in understanding the roles men and God plays in the lives of men. I say this because, as the author of “Design Your Destiny- Actualising Your Birthright to Success”, I understand the role of a second, minute and hour in the life of a human. So if not properly managed, it can cause you a fortune.

I have even depended so much on people for opportunities and they failed woefully, it was only later in life, I realised the role of God in my life and the life of ordinary people. I say this with all sense of sincerity without sounding immodest because some opportunities and highlights I have attained couldn’t have been possible without the intervention of God. I remembered how the United Nations Development Programme came through for me at the last second. High profile people had to be up at night just to just ensure I board the last plane to fly me to Rwanda for a presentation and upon arrival, I was given a VIP treatment during all my panels and presentations. I can go on and on.

In conclusion, be mindful of how you treat your inferiors, superiors, strangers, etc. because you never can tell what word, attitude etc. you will display which may work against you.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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